In this Lesson

In the world of economics, it's important to know the key players in the production game. We’re referring to the four factors of production: land, labor, capital, and entrepreneurship. Think of them as the Fab Four of economics, but instead of rocking out to catchy tunes, they're busy driving the engines of production. Land provides us with valuable resources like oil, timber, and prime real estate (though sadly, it can't deliver pizza). Labor brings the human power, the muscles that keep the gears turning and the brains that innovate. Capital, not to be confused with a fancy city, represents the tools, machinery, and technology that help us produce more efficiently. And finally, entrepreneurship, the risk-takers with big ideas who bring it all together and give us those life-changing inventions like smartphones (thank you, entrepreneurs). So remember, when it comes to economics, keep an eye out for this Fab Four, because without them, the production party just wouldn’t be the same.

Now watch the mind-blowing video for you to watch above to learn more about the factors of production. Cue dramatic music 🎵 Trust me, it's more exciting than it sounds. Once you've finished watching, make sure you're fully prepared by tackling the practice problems below. I promise they won't bite. So grab some caffeine, put on your thinking caps, and let's conquer those factors of production!

If you’re feeling extra ambitious, we’ve got an additional AP style problem set worksheet you can download below to take with you to the beach! Or on a fishing vacation with your step-dad Pete!

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